Monday, April 23, 2012

The Rainbow

This is Desmond Tutu (we talked about him in assembly on Monday).

He once said:

"Look at your hands - different colours representing different people.
You are the Rainbow People of God." - December 1991

What does he mean by that?

Here are Mr Lavis' children:

How are they linked to Tutu's idea of "Rainbow People of God?"

Noah's Ark

Goodness me - wasn't God cross!?

How can we deal with things that we are disappointed with? We can't just rub all things out and start again...

Desmond Tutu once said:

“Don't raise your voice, improve your argument.” ― Desmond Tutu

What do we think about that?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Holman Hunt's: The Light of the World

This is an iconic painting. It has imagery dripping from it - but what does it all mean?

Have a look (closely) then follow this link for an explanation...