Thursday, April 14, 2011

Goodbye Mr Treeby!

Our last assembly of the term was a happy and sad event. Reception class delighted us with their amazing chick song reminding us all of the opportunities for new beginnings that Easter brimgs.

And then the sad part! We had to say goodbye to Mr. Treeby who is retiring to Devon. We are all very fond of Mr Treeby who has been our much respected vicar and spiritual guide for many years. We all wish him the very, very best in his New Beginning!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Holy Week

This is a bit of a strange week at school because although it's not the last week before Easter - it is the last week before the Easter holidays!

So - we will be looking at Holy Week - the most important time of the year for Christians (even though it's not Holy Week just yet!)

Follow this link to find out more about Holy Week
