Monday, February 28, 2011

Psalm 23

This half-term we are looking at Peace.

Does peace have to mean quiet?

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Class assembly is a special time for reflection; a time when we share thoughts and ask questions about ourselves, other people, the world and beyond.

This week we have been reflecting on the miracles of nature that we experience every day in the world around us.
Year 2 made a collage of natural materials. Every child selected something and placed it carefully into the composition.

''It is made up of things trhat make us go Wow!'' ........... Alfie.

''We should call it 'The Spirit Of God's Art' '' ........ Ben.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Using Our Senses - Monet

Claude Monet (a very famous painter) suffered from cataracts (this made it very difficult for him to see). When he had them removed he began to paint with very vivid colours - as if he had begun to appreciate them even more!

What a shame it took a problem like cataracts for this to happen. We must make sure we enjoy God's wonderful creation using ALL of our senses all the time.