Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Christmas Message

B.S.M. was definitely buzzing as KS1 presented the Nativity play 'Bethlehem's Buzzing' to packed audiences!
The touching tale told of three rogue traders set to cash in on people descending on Bethlehem. Their intentions were changed, however, when they followed a variety of visitors to a stsble and  looked into the eyes of baby Jesus. They realised instantly that this was a very Special Baby whose love transforms lives. From that moment on instead of selling their dodgy goods they began guided tours of Betrhlehem telling the greatest story ever told!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christingle Service 2010

Lots of children joined the congregation of Blandford St Mary Church on Sunday for the Christingle Service. Through songs and readings the children presented the message of Jesus's love bringing light to the world.
Reverend Martin Francis led the service and told us how the money we had raised would help the Children's Society bring light into the lives of young people who have been going through dark and difficult times. He also reminded us that although our candles may go out Jesus's love doesn't and that He is always with us even to the end of the world!

Thanks to Reverend Martin Francis, and to Mrs. Strevens and Mrs Upward for the Christingles and the lovely tea!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Collective Worship - Courage

We continue to look at Courage as our theme in Collective Worship this week.

The story of Daniel and the Lions will kick us off this week as we examine the courage some people show when their beliefs put them in danger - just like Daniel did when he continued to believe in God and pray to Him when the king had made a law against it.

Sadly, this sort of thing still happens now. Here is an example:

This is Pastor Wang Dao of Liangren Church in China.

Pastor Wang Dao is a young, married family man who leads Liangren church, an unregistered house church in the city of Guangzhou, south-east China. Their pastor, Wang Dao has been arrested and detained several times since 2008. 

It is believed Pastor Wang was targeted because he signed a letter to the Chinese Government in response to the 20th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. The church first came to the attention of the authorities in 2008 when they were involved in the Sichuan earthquake relief effort and has been evicted from dozens of rented buildings, most recently this August. However, despite continued harassment, the church continues to meet together in Pastor Wang’s home.

It is amazing to think that some people cannot just believe and think what they want to think isn't it? What do you think? Is it OK to put yourself in danger because of what you believe?

Father God - today we pray for those who are not free to praise your name. We pray for those who keep the light burning for those unjustly imprisoned. Give us courage to stand up for what is right. Amen.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

We prepare and look forward.

Learning about Advent.

During the season of Advent Christians across the world prepare for the celebration of the arrival of the Lord through His Son Jesus. Advent is a time to celebrate light in the midst of darkness. It is also a time to look forward to when he will come again.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

We Remember.

Two minutes silence was observed today in a moving act of remembrance.

‘They shall not grow old,
As we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the Sun and in the morning
We will remember them’

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Changes to the School prayer

School Council were keen to update our school prayer to reflect the commitment we have as a school to a Rights Respecting ethos. We collected our own ideas together first and prepared two new prayers. We took these back to every class to be considered and ammended. We felt it was essential that everyone had a say in developing the new prayer. It will be everyone's and everyone must be happy with it. Mrs. Rees discussed the prayers with Mr. Treeby and Mr Lavis and a final version was agreed.
The new prayer was introduced to school in a special School Council Assembly.